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This is the website of Peugeotboutique. Peugeotboutique is a brandname of La Scuderia.

Our business address is:
Maxwellstraat 11 1704SG Heerhugowaard Netherlands

Peugeotboutique is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 55934986.

During each visit to our website, our web server automatically recognizes only your domain name and not your email address. When you visit our website, we collect:

  • Your domain name but not your email address when you visit our web page.
  • The domain name of other sites you've consulted to go to our site.
  • All information regarding the pages you've consulted on our site.
  • All information you voluntarily provided (for example, research information and/or site registration).

This information is used:

  • To improve the content of our website.
  • To notify you of updates to our site, only internally.

The information is used internally only and is not passed on to other organizations for commercial purposes. On this site, we use cookies (a cookie is a small file sent by an Internet server and installed on the hard drive of your computer. This file keeps track of the visited Internet site and contains some data about this visit)

  • To register information sessions, such as information about what you add to your shopping list.
  • To register information specific to you, such as the web pages you consulted to go to our site.
  • To register your past activities on the site, to provide you with better service on your next visit.

We have no partnerships or special relationships with third parties on the internet.

When we transfer or receive your data on our website, we always use encryption technologies recognized as common standards within the IT sector.

If we receive or transfer certain critical information, such as financial information or health information, we use a secure server. You will be notified through a screen displayed on our site (pop-up).

We have implemented the necessary security measures to prevent the loss, unauthorized use, or alteration of information we receive on our site.

How to contact us regarding our privacy policy:
If you wish to respond to our privacy policy, you can contact us by email at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

About communication by email:
If you do not wish to receive emails from our company in the future, you can contact us at the address above.

About communication by postal mail:
If you provide us with your postal address via the web, you will only receive the information you have requested at the address you have provided us.

About communication by phone:
If you provide us with your phone number via the web, our company will only contact you by phone if necessary to inform you about the orders you have placed online. If you do not wish to receive addressed advertising mail and/or no longer wish to receive commercial phone calls, you can indicate this through the website of the Stichting Infofilter: Our company may use consumer information for new purposes not yet provided for in our privacy policy. In that case, we will contact you before using your data for these new purposes, to inform you of changes to our personal data protection regulations and to give you the opportunity to refuse to participate.

Upon request, we grant visitors to our site access to all information we keep about them. If you wish to access this information, please contact us. Upon request, we offer visitors to our site the opportunity to correct any inaccurate information we hold about them. If you wish to correct your personal information, please contact us.

If you believe that our site is not in accordance with our privacy policy, please contact our company directly at the address above.

Complaints procedure:

You have the option to file a complaint. La Scuderia will handle your complaint within 14 days of receipt. Complaints can only be submitted in writing via email or via La Scuderia, Attention: Customer Service, Maxwellstraat 11, 1704SG Heerhugowaard.

Whether your complaint is justified is at the discretion of La Scuderia. We strive to find a suitable solution as quickly as possible and provide you with the best possible service. For a proper handling of complaints, we request you to include as much information as possible.

Maxwellstraat 9 - 13
1704SG Heerhugowaard
The Netherlands

Call us: +31725314495
Whatsapp: +310657811145